I believe that beauty is different for everyone. While we may share some ideas of beauty with others, I think it’s important to recognize that beauty can mean different things to different people. Here are a few things that are beautiful to me.
Simple Beauty

Simplicity – I’ve been editing a lot of photos for work. They are just product shots, nothing particularly exciting or engaging, but to the customer who wants to see for him or herself how one piece connects to another, a clear, simple photograph without clutter, is what is needed. The beauty is in being able to answer that question without a spoken work, an email, or any other form of communication. I’m not saying that communication is bad, just that I can help this customer through a simply beautiful photograph rather than making them call us with a question. To me, this is a form of beauty.
Beauty in the Details

Details – While I walked across my horse pasture this morning with my two dogs, I noticed how last nights storm effected the ground. Earlier this Spring we had so much rain/snow/warmth that the ground was absolutely sopping wet. Over the past week or so it dried some and firmed up, but last nights thunderstorm dropped a ton of rain in a short time. Even in it’s still damp state, the ground could hold no more water and every hoof mark was freshly filled instead of being absorbed. The tiny little grass seedlings looked so happy and green yet the pond was brown from the runoff. Each of these details caught my attention and the beauty of it was spectacular.